Bachelor of Arts and Science (Hons) in Arts and Technology (JS2920)

The arts and culture sector and creative industries have seen rapid development in Hong Kong and the Mainland. There is a need for art specialists who can fill the present and future positions and push for the future forms of arts and culture and creative industries.

This transdisciplinary programme will educate students who are well-versed not only in arts and culture but also in technology.

The programme will be open to students from all academic backgrounds. It targets tech-savvy students who wish to pursue a career in applying technologies in the creative industries and arts and culture sector.

Student Project Showcase

Programme Activities


Curriculum Framework

The curriculum will be flexible with options for students to suit multiple and evolving career options. The key learning activities, particularly in the last two years, are collaboration on projects from the industries, experiential learning and constant problem- solving.

Students will work with renowned professors and experts in and outside Hong Kong. They will also undergo multiple learning experiences in the Mainland particularly the Greater Bay Area and overseas. By the time of graduation, students will have a strong portfolio documenting their achievements.

Assessment will focus on creation and skills such as teamwork. There will be portfolio and project-based assessment based on constant problem solving.

Topics such as creative productions in

Programme Structure

University Requirements
University Core 13
General Education 12
Free Electives 15
Programme Requirements
Major Required Courses (including Honours Project) 55
Major Elective Courses (by Concentrations) 33
Total 128
Transdisciplinary Common Core (TCC) 9 Units
ITS1005 Global Challenges I 3
ITS2028 Global Challenges II 3
ITS2029 Global Challenges II 3
Programme-Specific Knowledge/ Skills (KS) 21 Units
ARTT 1005 Arts Tech Theories I (Past, Present, Future) 3
ARTT 1006 Arts Tech Practices I (Making Senses) 3
COMP 1015 Computing for Creatives I 3
COMP 2037 Computing for Creatives II 3
ARTT 2005 Arts Tech Theories II (Interaction and Participation) 3
ARTT 2006 Arts Tech Practices II (Transmedia Beyond Spectacles) 3
ARTT 4007 Arts Tech - Special Topics 3
Programme-Specific Experiential Learning (Exp) 25 Units
ARTT 3005 Transdisciplinary Collaboration I 6
ARTT 3006 Transdisciplinary Collaboration II 6
ARTT 3007 Arts Tech Work Experience 3
ARTT 4005 Arts Tech Honours Project Preparation 3
ARTT 4006 Arts Tech Honours Project 7
Total 55 Units
Starting from Year 2, students commence to study their selected concentration from the three options – (1) Visual, (2) Sound and (3) Technology, totalling 33 units of Programme-Specific Knowledge/ Skills (KS) Courses.
In each concentration, besides a set of foundation courses and concentration core courses, students will be able to choose from a wide range of upper-level courses offered by the different faculties and academies of the university. Most of these courses will have a strong practice-based learning component.

Foundation Courses 6 Units
Take any 2 sets (3 units per set, 1.5 units per course):
  • Set 1: VART 2447 Digital Photography + VART 2615 Photographic Lighting
  • Set 2: VART 2465 Video Editing + VART 2626 Video Compositing and Effects
  • Set 3: VART 2575 Digital Tools: 3D Software Fundamentals + VART 2576 Digital Tools: Prototyping
  • Set 4: VART 2606 Sculpture: 3D Technology for Sculpture + VART 2607 Fibreglass Sculpture
Core Courses 9 Units
ENGL 2097 Virtual Storytelling: Narration across Dimensions 3
VART 3455 Image Processing in Arts and Technology 3
VART 3447 3D Immersive Environment 3
Concentration Elective Courses 9 Units
Take any 3 of the following 3-unit courses:
  • COMP 3076 AI and Generative Arts
  • ENGL 4067 Comics and Graphic Novels
  • GAME 3017 Interactive Graphics
  • GAME 3035 Transdisciplinary Theory of Game Design
  • GAME 3037 Visual Aesthetics and Narrative Presentation
  • VART 4087 Further Studies in Craft and Design (Graphic Design)
  • VART 4095 Further Studies in Craft and Design (Printmaking)
  • VART 4096 Further Studies in Craft and Design (Ceramics)
  • VART 4097 Further Studies in Craft and Design (Wearables)
  • VART 4105 Further Studies in Craft and Design (Object Culture)
  • VART 4106 Further Studies in Craft and Design (Experience Design)
  • VART 4107 Further Studies in Craft and Design (Glass)
  • VART 4116 Further Studies in Craft and Design (Object Technology)
  • VART 4065 Further Studies in Studio and Media Arts (Drawing)
  • VART 4066 Further Studies in Studio and Media Arts (Painting)
  • VART 4067 Further Studies in Studio and Media Arts (Chinese Arts)
  • VART 4075 Further Studies in Studio and Media Arts (Media Arts)
  • VART 4076 Further Studies in Studio and Media Arts (Lens-based Media)
  • VART 4077 Further Studies in Studio and Media Arts (Sculpture)
  • VART 4085 Further Studies in Studio and Media Arts (Performance Studies)
  • VART 4086 Further Studies in Studio and Media Arts (Installation Art)
  • VART 4127 Special Topics in Visual Arts and Technology I
  • VART 4135 Special Topics in Visual Arts and Technology II
  • VART 4136 Special Topics in Visual Arts and Technology III
Take any 1 of the following 9-unit course:
  • VART 3386 Studio: Audio Visual Practices in Media Arts
  • VART 3405 Studio: Experience Design
  • VART 3436 Studio: Spatial Practices in Media Arts
  • VART 3445 Studio: Object Technology (Robotics and Kinetics)
Concentration Free Elective Courses 9 Units
It is recommended that students take 3 more 3 units courses from their Concentration Elective list. However, students may also take any 3 of the 3 units courses from any of the concentrations (Visual, Sound or Technology) and of any levels (Foundation, Core or Concentration Elective)
Total 33 Units
Foundation Courses 6 Units
MUSI 2016 Music Technology I 3
MUSI 3146 Interactive Audio 3
Core Courses 9 Units
FILM 4105 Live Sound Production 3
MUSI 2035 Music Technology II 3
VART 3456 Sonic Art Practices 3
Concentration Elective Courses 9 Units
MUSI 1048 Composition for Screen I2
MUSI 1049 Composition for Screen II2
MUSI 2048 Composition for Screen III2
MUSI 2049 Composition for Screen IV2
MUSI 4025 Special Topics in Music I2
MUSI 4026 Special Topics in Music II2
MUSI 4027 Special Topics in Music III2
FILM 3006 Film Sound3
FILM 3085 Film Music and Sound Design3
FILM 3106 Sound Design for Animation3
MUSI 3067 Techniques of Sound Design3
MUSI 3097 Music Design and Programming for Video Games3
MUSI 3137 Immersive Creativity through Spatial Sound3
MUSI 3145 Music and AI3
MUSI 4036 Special Topics in Arts and Technology I3
MUSI 4037 Special Topics in Arts and Technology II3
MUSI 4045 Special Topics in Arts and Technology III3
VART 4105 Further Studies in Craft and Design (Object Culture)3
VART 4106 Further Studies in Craft and Design (Experience Design)3
VART 3386 Studio: Audio Visual Practices in Media Arts9
VART 3405 Studio: Experience Design9
VART 3436 Studio: Spatial Practices in Media Arts9
VART 3445 Studio: Object Technology (Robotics and Kinetics)9
Concentration Free Elective Courses 9 Units
It is recommended that students take 3 more 3 units courses from their Concentration Elective list. However, students may also take any 3 of the 3 units courses from any of the concentrations (Visual, Sound or Technology) and of any levels (Foundation, Core or Concentration Elective)
Total 33 Units
Foundation Courses 6 Units
COMP 2055 Interactive Media App Development 3
COMP 2865 Fundamental Data Analysis & Management 3
Core Courses 9 Units
COMP 3076 AI and Generative Arts 3
VART 3447 3D Immersive Environment 3
VART 3455 Image Processing in Arts and Technology 3
Concentration Elective Courses 9 Units
Take any 3 of the following 3-unit courses:
  • COMP 3057 Introduction to AI and Machine Learning
  • COMP 3115 Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualisation
  • COMP 4025 Interactive Computer Graphics
  • COMP 4026 Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
  • COMP 4045 Human - Computer Interaction
  • COMP 4136 Natural language Processing
  • COMP 4137 Blockchain Technology and Applications
  • MUSI 2016 Music Technology I
  • MUSI 2035 Music Technology II
  • MUSI 3137 Immersive Creativity through Spatial Sound
  • MUSI 3145 Music and AI
  • MUSI 3146 Interactive Audio
  • TRAN 3035 Introduction to Translation Technology
  • TRAN 3046 Introduction to Localization
  • TRAN 4067 Special Topics in World Building, Machine Learning, and Translation Technology I
  • TRAN 4075 Special Topics in World Building, Machine Learning, and Translation Technology II
  • TRAN 4076 Special Topics in World Building, Machine Learning, and Translation Technology III
Concentration Free Elective Courses 9 Units
It is recommended that students take 3 more 3 units courses from their Concentration Elective list. However, students may also take any 3 of the 3 units courses from any of the concentrations (Visual, Sound or Technology) and of any levels (Foundation, Core or Concentration Elective)
Total 33 Units

Career Prospects

By the time of graduation, students will have a strong portfolio documenting their achievements, signified by their respective concentration chosen (Visual, Sound, and Technology). Graduates will be art specialists ready for the emerging forms of arts and culture and creative industries in the coming decades. They also possess the ability to bring content (creation and delivery) and technology together in an integrated manner. Graduates’ specialties can be employed by the fields characterised with following:

Transdisciplinary Creative Arts Productions

Graduates will be capable of fusing film, music, gaming and the performing arts with appropriate technologies for innovative productions

Immersive Experiences

Graduates may also use their expertise to create brand new experience, complementing physical encounters with virtuality, for museums, galleries, and the MICE (meetings, incentives, conference and exhibition) industries

Graduates can work independently, or in a production companies or creative agencies, as interactive and software designer, sound designer, video designer, immersive spatial designer, product designer, producer, technical manager or as an artist, or artistic or creative director. The programme also prepares students for further post-graduate studies in local and overseas institutions.


Students will study in the existing facilities of HKBU such as the Augmented Reality Lab and Creative Robotics Lab, as well as the state-of-the-art facilities of the Jockey Club Campus of Creativity.


The programme will follow the general admission requirements. Candidates will be required to submit a portfolio and may be required to attend an interview.

The portfolio is a selection of the applicant’s recent creative works that reflect their strengths in creative practice. The selection the applicant makes for the portfolio should emphasise their individual ideas and interests and should show that they are enthusiastic and ambitious to enter a career relating to arts and technology. The creative works can be:

  1. Traditional art form or media: such as drawing, painting, sculpture, installation, film and video, photography, performance, musical composition, craft arts;
  2. Digital arts and design: such as interactive and immersive art, apps and website design, VR, and AR, gaming developments etc;
  3. STEAM (science, technology, engineering, the arts, and maths) projects: such as creative experiments with electronics, robotics.
The intake quota is 40 for 2025/26 Intake.

For details, please visit Undergraduate Admissions website.


We welcome students from different cultural and educational background. Local students apply on the strength of Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) should submit application via the Joint University Programmes Admissions System (JUPAS) at

Non-JUPAS applicants please apply direct to the University via the Direct (Non-JUPAS) Admissions Scheme. Please visit the website of Academic Registry of the Hong Kong Baptist University at for details.

Apart from University’s admission requirements, all applicants are also required to participate in programme admission exercise with an aim to assess their suitability to the BASc (Hons) in Arts and Technology programme. Candidates will be required to submit a portfolio for review. Based on the submitted portfolios, candidates will be shortlisted for an interview.

You will be interviewed by an interview panel in English.

The programme adopts transdisciplinary learning pathways, covering courses from multiple departments and an array of experiential learning experience such as collaboration on projects from the industries, fieldworks, work experience which offers students a wide exposure.

All students of the programme are required to undertake a major required course Arts Tech Work Experience within their preferred career area during their study, linking classroom theory to professional practice. Apart from the credit-bearing course, the programme also encourages students to seize chances to join non-credit bearing internship programmes in diverse fields so as to clarify their career intentions and enhance their professional and personal development.

The programme encourages students to join the exchange programme and spend at least one semester outside Hong Kong in order to broaden their global horizons. The University has established exchange collaborations with international institutions from diverse countries such as Australia, Germany, Switzerland, Portugal, Iceland, Ireland and Brazil. Details please refer to the website of International Office


For further information or enquiry about the programme, please contact us at or 3411-8219

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